The Starman's Realm

Weblog of Daniel B. Sedory; article author for The Starman's Realm.

Location: California, United States

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Starman's Realm at is now officially open!

Though we've had a presence on the Web at for quite some time (since 1997), we were fortunate enough to acquire a domain name ( through a hosting deal from 1and1 (note: our contract with 1and1 will expire at the end of 2006 at which time we'll be canceling it! There will still be a few other mirror sites in operation though). Since our Geocities pages are often turned-off due to overuse, we're hoping this area will allow us to keep in touch with those who never seem to find our pages available at Yahoo/geocities plus it should provide everyone a convenient way to comment on site contents and view other's feedback as well.

Just leave a comment here to send us a message!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your website. What an amazing and interesting resource, thank you for all of your hard work, the XP/2000 MBR reverse engineering is awesome and very much appreciated. Hopefully I get a chance to talk with you at some point in this life. Take care and best wishes.

Mon Feb 20, 08:15:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can i replace the GRUB with the original MBR for windows XP. I had loaded Ubuntu version 5.04 and it replaced my XP MBR with the GRUB and that just doesnt load right so i want to convert it back. what do i need to do.

Tue Feb 21, 06:40:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the web page, the link to RadASM ( should be: .
The link on to does not seem to work.

Wed Mar 01, 08:49:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning
I'm writting you from Madagascar and I'm sorry for my very bad english.
I've got a big troubble. I have 2 hard disks the bigger one (80 Go) was a primary slave

with XP Pro SP2 that I put three partitions (all of them in NTFS).
And the second one (20 Go) a secondary master.
Then I've decided to install Fedora Core in the little HD. Being a beginner with this

platform (linux). I 've let the grub to be my boot.
Unfortunately, the HD with the linux break down. Then when I boot my PC I've got this

message :
And the PC stops there.
How should I fix this problem.
Thank you very much and best whishes.
my mail address :

Wed Mar 01, 10:54:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of notes for your page on using MASM. Extraction of .cab files : has been included by default with Windows© ME, XP and if I remember correctly also 2K. An alternative is to use the Cabview tool, part of the windows 95 powertoys set or to use extract.exe, present on every windows install cd since win95.

Sun Mar 05, 08:31:00 PM PST  

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