The Starman's Realm

Weblog of Daniel B. Sedory; article author for The Starman's Realm.

Location: California, United States

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Starman's Realm at is now officially open!

Though we've had a presence on the Web at for quite some time (since 1997), we were fortunate enough to acquire a domain name ( through a hosting deal from 1and1 (note: our contract with 1and1 will expire at the end of 2006 at which time we'll be canceling it! There will still be a few other mirror sites in operation though). Since our Geocities pages are often turned-off due to overuse, we're hoping this area will allow us to keep in touch with those who never seem to find our pages available at Yahoo/geocities plus it should provide everyone a convenient way to comment on site contents and view other's feedback as well.

Just leave a comment here to send us a message!